That is where networking groups come into their own. If your existing network is not big enough to generate enough word of mouth to achieve your plan then find a couple of networks to join. Ask yourself who else is likely to have access to and influence with your target market. Then find where they network, join those groups and build relationships with others like you. Over time your return on the investment you make in those relationships will far outweigh your initial money & time investment.
A combination of existing clients and appropriate networking groups should be enough of a route to market for most of these owners, directors and partners of small specialist businesses and professional firms.
When you join first join a group take the time to get to know the members and the ways you can help. How you can support, provide information & introductions. How you can help them achieve their goals. Over time as you help the other members achieve their goals they do the same for you. Especially if they know how to help you. So when asked present your proposition confidently & consistently - your target market, the problems you solve and your stories.
In one of my podcasts on this same topic, 'Why join a networking group?', I explain how one networking group saved me 3 years in business development activity.
Good Networking!
Dave Clarke
Get 7 networking secrets for business success
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