If you walked into a networking event & the subject of everyone's conversation was in a speech bubble above their head which one would you join? During a recent seminar from
Ecademy founder Penny Power about what online social networking means for you and your business Penny got the attendees to split into groups. After a few minutes she invited everyone to share the subject of the conversations. In spite of being at a business event the majority of the conversations were not business related. They were about the things that people were interested or passionate about.
Most of the time we will not have a useful 'speech bubble' so ask questions to find common ground. Be interested and you will find as I wrote yesterday
Everyone has something to say. Finding what someone has to say and giving them the time to say it means listening first. That's what the people who do really well in networking do all the time. Listen and engage first rather then pitch and move on.
Good Networking!
Dave ClarkeGet
7 networking secrets for business success
business networking | business networking events | business networking podcast
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